Tips and Tricks Eagle Lake in CA
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This sections contains detailed set-up instructions and “How to’s” for several different methods of fishing Eagle Lake.
Bait fishing set-up from boats and shoreline cross paths so many times that I left those together so every thing would be in one place. Tips and tricks for trolling includes leadcore set up, reel size, the perfect splice and suggestions for line types. Tips and Tricks for Fly-Fishing includes things to consider before setting up your rod and line, as well as Float-Tubing tips.
These little tips and tricks could improve your success rate but if you are already set up successfully you still may pick up a few tricks in this section. Our way is NOT the only way of setting up. But, we have learned many things along the way. I have never been one to think that I can not learn something new from anyone else and I encourage viewers to let me know if there is a better way.
I hope this section answers some of the frequently asked questions our viewers have. Eagle Lake is different from any other lake in the state. Trout tricks that work on other lakes don’t always entice our native trout to bite. But, when the bite goes off or slows down for the day go with something much smaller. Downsize lures, flies and worms on flat calm water and when the sun is beating down on the water. Our trout can’t often resist a “snack” but outwardly refuse the “meal”.
We often see trout rising during the middle of the day in summer but fishing on the surface doesn’t always catch them. With surface water temperatures in the low 70’s (generally the top 10 to 15 ft of water) the trout are hanging at 25 to 30 ft deep for preferable dissolved oxygen and a few degrees cooler water. They are not “holding” at the surface, they are shooting up from 25 to 30 feet deep like a rocket and after grabbing a mouthful of emergers they shoot right back down to the thermalcline until they feel like doing it again. These fish will not even look at a worm (even a small tasty tid-bit), lure or just any fly. They are only interested in one thing and that is midges & caddis emergers. You can set up a bait rod with a clear bobber and tie on a caddis emerger but lighten way up on your leader. If I don’t have my fly rod with me, I generally have a spare tippet that I can use to convert my spinning rod pretty quickly. But, the feeding frenzy doesn’t last long so be quick about setting up. The trout do the same thing on the hatches later in the day too..
The lake water is so clear in summer that you need to be very invisible when using this method (other methods also included in that) so use nothing greater than a 4 pound small diameter Scientific Anglers 10 ft tapered leader. There are other fairly decent tippet manufactures, but SA has proven to be the one that doesn’t break under the pressure of fighting a fish larger than the pound test. I personally prefer SA but I have been known to use other tippets. But, up here I want no less than a 9 ft tippet, preferably 10 ft/4lb/4X.
Our fish migrate all around the lake. In the cool spring and fall months many travel to the north and middle basins. Not all the trout migrate out of the south basin but they do move around from place to place and can be a mile from where you left them the day before. This is probably one of the greatest challenges of fishing Eagle Lake. Water temperature has a lot to do with their movement but the angle of the sun as the seasons change also trigger movement…especially in fall when the trout return to eat the newly hatched tui-chub minnows (minnows are not allowed to be used as bait…See Regulations)
So I hope you enjoy and can use some of my tips and tricks for the type of fishing you prefer doing. As time goes on, I will periodically update this series as I believe I can always learn a new trick. I hope you can too.